Sepideh Jahanpanah

Amorphous Life


This series of works are essentially unique and will always carry the traces of the my hands and tools with them. Unlike the mass produced ceramic products, these are not only imperfect but beyond what they are meant to be which is functional cups for sale. That was how I started to fight at the time against so much pressure I was carrying on my shoulders as a migrant bearing a killing homesickness and a painful body, trying to extend my resident permit, earning money and top of everything stay creative and make art.

A few years ago, my work was deeply connected to the fragility of bio-art, where I explored the cycle of life, death, and decay through ephemeral mediums. Today, my artistic journey has shifted towards ceramics, focusing on enduring forms that embody this cycle.

Exaggerated textures and emphasis on imperfection, even intentional mistakes, reaches the point in which the functionality has no place anymore for the ceramic artist. Yet, a set of two cups are executed that make artistic manner meet decorative purposes.

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